Mary our Mother and Mother of God

Part 1 – Do You Believe in the Supernatural?


Every Sunday you profess in the Creed, “I believe in … all things visible and invisible.”  Ever thought about that phrase? What were the creed-creators thinking of?

I believe it is referring to supernatural events, such as receiving prompts or  revelations from heaven, or amazing apparitions of heavenly beings.

Are these appearances, nudges and signs really true? Or are they legends or fabrications?


My Favorite Book Growing Up

is likely not the same as yours.  It was odd.  No one had ever heard of it. I only stumbled on it in the Scholastic Book leaflet sometime in my late-Middle School years, after I had read every sci-fi novel in Jervis Library. Today it is considered a masterful work of post-apocalyptic science fiction, a monument in the genre, exploring the meaning of knowledge, religion, and human nature set against the backdrop of a world recovering from nuclear devastation.


“Exorcism is entertainment…”

I recently had a peer tell me this. Is exorcism merely movie fiction or is it truly the way demons are cast out from a person they’ve possessed?

How to Become a Mystic
lynne davis lynne davis

How to Become a Mystic

The very universe has come to seem so homey! I know only a little more about it than before, but that little is all! It is vibrant with the electric ecstasy of God! I know what it means to be “God intoxicated.” (From Letters by a Modern Mystic)

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lynne davis lynne davis


Like Joni, I was surrounded by the scent of roses. Where no roses existed. No Glades either.

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I  Once  Saw  Jesus
lynne davis lynne davis

I Once Saw Jesus

I Saw Him. I did. And no matter how you judge me or what ugly names you call me, you can’t make me unremember it.

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